Magazine: DSA37 Alpaca Chic

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13 new recipes for lady and girl from Du Store Alpakka in Faerytale, Air, Soul, Sky, Hexa, Alpaca Fur and Bling.

£ 8.29
£ 10.37
You save: £ 2.08
Availability: Out of stock

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Great sporty and rustic country style, but also the finest everyday garments at work, school and kindergarten. A little rough, but so infinitely soft. Alpaca dress everything and everyone.

Therefore, we like the autumn NEWS from Du Store Alpakka; Alpaca Tweed in the finest alpaca / merino, and Alpaca Fur which is a unique fur yarn in pure natural fiber.

We knit tweed in both single and double yarn throughout garments, but both Alpakka Tweed and Alpakka Fur are great in pattern and for fine effects on edges and in accessories.

This fall, we focus on the classic tweed colors in finely tuned cool and warm tones. You will find the fine neutral nuances and the deep autumn colors in the fur yarn. Now we hope that you will be inspired by our new models for big and small alpaca fans. Everything designed with a small Store Alpakka dispute.

We wish you amazing alpaca autumn!

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