DSA63 Nordic Spring - Alpaca on thick sticks

Size: Adult

Yarn qualities : Big Strong, Faerytale, Fat Faerytale, Mini Strong, Pus

Technology: Braids, Pattern Knit, Knit, Hole

Designer: Brit Frafjord Ørstavik, Liv Inger Espedal, Iselin Hafseld, Trine Lise Høyseth

£ 8.29
£ 10.37
You save: £ 2.08
Availability: 10 in stock

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Fluffy and pussy counterparts in the chunky alpaca warrior ravage the knit people's favorite lists. For the season's IT sweaters, we have picked out the most amazing and exclusive yarn types. Yarn qualities you can only dream of getting in knit. It has been going on for a long time now, and we are in no doubt; knitting people just LOVE chunky, pusmyk alpakka! And now we conjure up even more lovely knitwear on thick sticks in fluffy, brushed alpaca and airy, soft blown yarn, just to mention the top of the yarn happiness.

We go against a springy high season with tasteful knitting lists! ALL must have - and those who cannot knit themselves, get knitting help. Fargene! The colors are to eat up! Now we knit in delicate peaches, apricots and mandarin. And in crispy sea green, turquoise, sky blue and coral - like shades in a holiday dream. Plus colors with a delicate scent of rose, lilac and lavender. Sensuality is the key word. And then we love the patterns. It is quite simple, and the favorites we knit in delicious lace, great braids, structures and simple patterns in nice round collars. Pick your fav! Now we also want some puffy, but neat and light shapes. Garments that are perfect for all outfits and occasions. These babies work for everything from jeans and cargos to undulating silk skirts, floating, wide pants and long dresses in floral flora. For now we choose a knitting yarn no matter where and what we should. It's just a quick sweep on Instagram and Pinterest, and keep up with where the fashion people go. There is soft knit everywhere, and hand knit is still the gold standard!

YAY for all of us who can do the art and do it yourself! And YAY for anyone throwing a challenge or five and learning the tricks. So now you just have to go loose! We are ready for a wonderful, creative season filled with delicious knitting inspiration, wonderful yarns and super cool knit on all pins! What's not to love?

Margaretha Finseth

Design & Brand Manager


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